The Episcopal Church > Our partnership with 110 dioceses in the USA and in 15 other countries. Visit this site to learn more about the Church, our history, what we believe, and news about the Church.
The Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio > Our partnership with 75 congregations in Southern Ohio
The Anglican Communion > Our partnership with 80 million Anglicans across the globe.
DSOConnections > Diocesan communication service connecting Episcopalians in southern Ohio.
Episcopal Relief and Development > Healing a hurting world; 100% of funds help those in need.
The Episcopal Church Foundation Vital Practices > Vital practices to help lead congregations.
The Episcopal Church Building Fund > Empowering congregations to develop or enhance their mission through the strategic, resourceful, and creative use of their buildings.
The (Online) Book of Common Prayer
The Lectionary Page > A liturgical calendar that features readings aligned to the church calendar.
The Mission of St. Clare > A resource Daily Prayer Online