Saints Paul & Silas Prison Ministry

The Saints Paul and Silas Prison Ministry is dedicated to reminding prisoners they have not been forgotten by the church or by God. We send inmates greeting cards and our special blessing packets. These packets include items such as writing paper, embossed-stamped mailing envelopes, and puzzle books. For many inmates, our cards and packets are the only forms of contact they receive while in prison.  On occasion, All Saints’ receives personal letters from inmates who have been blessed by the packets and cards.

Upon release from prison, life can be difficult and challenging for many former inmates. Many women and men leave prison without clothing and basic personal supplies. The Sts. Paul & Silas ministry provides personal care packages for these folks as they transition to life outside of prison.

This ministry is fueled primarily by our donations to fill blessing packets and personal care packages. Financial support comes from donations, fundraisers, and a special recycling program. If you feel moved to help this important ministry, please contact the parish administrator or Donna Russell, ministry founder/coordinator.

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All Saints' Episcopal Church, Portsmouth, OH